Big Changes Ahead: Boat For Sale

As some of you may have noticed, our boat is now listed for sale on this website. While we often half joke that our plans are written in the sand at low tide this is not an easy decision and something we have been considering all season.

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about deciding to sell: Are you bored? Is sailing the islands not fun? Have you run out of money? Are you done traveling? Are you buying a bigger boat?

The answer to all of these is “no!”

So why are we selling Miss Fe? Mainly, we’ve reached our goal! Our original plan was to make it to the Bahamas and spend 2-3 seasons cruising here to figure out if we wanted to sail off to more distant shores. Mission completed! Turns out we love cruising but aren’t really into long passages offshore nor do we want to keep spending winter after winter in the Bahamas – Not that this is a bad option, but the world is a big place and we want to see a whole lot more of it! We’ve been incredibly inspired by all the people we have met on this adventure. Its really opened our minds to other modes of travel and we are excited to begin a new chapter in our adventure. We didn’t come this far to only come this far. The adventure will continue so stay tuned to see where we go!

If you are interested in purchasing Miss Fe check our our listing and make an offer. If your not interested but still would like to help us out please share the listing with as many people as possible.

P.S. We still have a few more posts and a lot more pictures coming from our time in the Bahamas!